… Agri-Truffe built a partnership with INRA, leading to birth of first truffle mycorrhizal trees, after 25 years of researches.
We make a list of our seeds origins and all truffles we use to inoculate our plants : in the end, there is a traceability for every relationship tree/truffle which is established.
At the end of production, an Agri-Truffe tree will be controlled 10 times, the last one done by INRA.
… Agri-Truffe is the world leader on truffle tree market. Present on the French one, but more and more abroad, we expand our activity where the environment is fruitful for truffle.
… Between 1972 and today, Agri-Truffe has grown, always seeking for innovation and development. That is why there is a fulltime scientist researcher in the company.