Do you recommend to reseed your plants for planting?

Reseeding seems to have an influence on the truffle production and particularly on its trip. Reseeding means that trees had been already inoculated before plantation. The purpose is naturally to reload in spores, and thus in mycelium, by seeding of these spores and to incorporate them around the root systems of the trees.

The practice was current formerly and it was not rare that, during the harvest, we left truffles pieces in the hole, with leaves and organic matters …of the tries, thus the ground was worked and aerated at least locally.

AGRI-TRUFFE makes its own reseeding products ACTITRUFFE and ACTITRUFFE +. To get, them contact us by phone or email.

Can you tell me if your current methodology mycorhization takes into account advances in research concerning decoding the genome?

(Publications of the Nancy INRA, Claude MURAT Francis MARTIN and all.) …… .. And in particular, “Are your controls allow to highlight the presence in the root system or substrate, the two types of compatible mycelium essential for the induction of primordia? “Your questions are relevant and follow the recent advances in research that we naturally follow closely. In the INRA license we operate, we have access and we use all the modern technical of analysis and control of truffles and everything about our process mycorrhizal plants. We have the opportunity to be in permanent contact with researchers of this Institute and to benefit our customers and comforting them in their choice of plants: It has been revealed, sex takes precedence over another and may end up with only one (either + or -): this new high technology, performed by DNA sequencing, guarantee 100% the right of mycorrhizal plants and the quality of the truffles used to produce them. The presence of both types of mycelium compatible essential for the induction of primordia is highlighted.

Do you offer “Champions” plants?

No, our plants are simply mycorrhizal. However, on the ground, hopefully, they can become champions of the production! The term “champion” used in trade is definitely more seller! … But without wanting to argue and more seriously, it was said previously that it is our trust that must be established with the client: we provide them the plants that we believe are at the top, and in return, with our recommendations, it should install them in optimal conditions and to follow them so they actually become champions producing trees! But it will be with the condition that the land is itself a CHAMPION!

Will you do me over-dosed truffle plant, 3 grams / plant to boost mycorrhizal seedlings and expect faster production …?

No, it’s not so simple, otherwise we would practice it! It’s not because we will bring more spores per plant at the time of inoculation that mycorrhiza will be larger and the trees will produce faster! First, and what is essential is that the spores of truffles that we put in contact with the root systems of seedlings are able to germinate and produce mycelium. It is this mycelium which will form mycorrhizae, seat of the association with the truffle on plants.

Do you guarantee a production of truffles on your plants?

What we guarantee, it is primarily our mycorrhizal plants that means, association between the tree and the truffle. The team of auditors from INRA located at Nancy, led by Claude MURAT, is there to give us the green light for a good mycorrhizal whether in quality (right species of truffle, without contamination) and quantity (good distribution throughout the root system). It is understood that if the plants are not installed in a suitable field, they might be mycorrhizal with all the guarantees offered by INRA, they will never produce truffles! Or not good truffles!

Do you guarantee the recovery of your plants?

It is our mycorrhizal plants that we guarantee. Regarding the recovery, we visit the field as soon as an abnormal loss of plants is reported to us (more than 5%); On the ground, we ensure to be honest preserving the interests of each party; if everything has been done properly and no cause of death attributable to the truffle appears, the necessary goodwill gesture will be done. Our customers are there to testify. We treat each problem case by case.

Do you offer a visit on the premises to advise me before planting and then for maintenance? Is it free?

We provide on the field all the advice before and after planting as soon as you trust us! It is on the ground that we will see best all relevant technical elements for the success of your project. Our service before sale and after sale is of course free.

Would I buy one plant?

Sure, you can buy us one single plant! But we have seen before, to increase your chances of success, it is better to plant more; our price decreases accordingly!

Are your plants inspected one by one?

No, it’s not possible! Because the control is destructive: one plant can only be controlled effectively if its root system is exposed and examined in detail under the microscope.
The samples are taken by poll in homogeneous and traceable batch made according to their geographical and fungal origin, size, growth rate, the date when they were inoculated, so that represents 1 to 5% per lot. To be approved by the INRA, it must be well mycorrhizal quantitatively and qualitatively, by Tuber in question, in the absence of any other fungus.

Do you sell cloned plants?

The plants that we currently produce are grown from seed. It is true that this plant material is heterogeneous; as in human nature, we will find small, big, beefy, susceptible to certain diseases, etc; but the mass selection we practice, makes very homogenised lots. We have the experience of this plant material and we know that it works! With clones (plants from vegetative propagation), one is not sure of anything! Of course, we will obtain a very homogenous plant material with clones that could be more resistant to disease and frost, for example … but we will have to choose the right clones and put more! Maybe do we increase the percentage of tree growers, but if we make mistakes, we risk getting catastrophic results. And what about he associated fungus? We should clone them too! And the field? Same. No, we do not want to take a risk of that size for our customers because it is still planting material, and for many years, experimental.

Do you sell more than 2 years old seedlings?

We prohibit ourselves to do that. On one hand, because we find that technically it is not reasonable: the resumption of an overgrown plant is lower and transplant shock can disrupt its mycorrhiza. On the other hand, we will not really save time by planting 2 years old seedlings, although if it is true that they are bigger.

Where do the truffles you use for mycorrhized plants come from?

As for seeds, our concern for traceability requires us to identify all harvesting sites and all backgrounds. There is no way we would buy our truffles from anyone, with the risk of having wrong truffles; often we buy truffles from our clients, producing or harvesting their own plantations or natural sites nearby, matching the geographic origins of truffles and seeds that are safe to return after mycorrhiza in their area of origin.

Do your seeds come from trees producers?

Yes, and we are especially mindful as they are easier to mycorrhiza than other seeds. There is no genetic transmission, but the plantlets of truffle trees seeds, develop a denser hair root and thus are more receptive to the nose. They should also support limestone.